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Behind the Scenes:  making a sculptural brooch

Behind the Scenes: making a sculptural brooch

I recently discovered an app called Jumprope that has made it so easy and actually fun to make tutorials and share them online. The process allows for improvisation while creating the steps, which really complements the way I work. So far, I have made tutorials for making a simple needlefelted heart, painting shrink plastic, painting grosgrain ribbon ( both with alcohol inks), making paperclay hearts for jewelry, and creating a mixed media brooch.

I have shared them on social media, and they can be viewed online on the Jumprope platform too.

The brooch tutorial was especially interesting to make, as I had no plan for the finished piece when I started! I generally develop these pieces by gathering together a collection based on color, scale, and texture. For this one I started with the ribbon and some felt balls and went from there. The finished brooch features handpainted silk, Shrinkets shrink plastic, assorted beads and sequins. It’s a lot of fun watching the piece come together, and there are some helpful tips for creating a well-finished piece of jewelry.

I have shared the brooch video below.

I welcome your questions and comments!

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Mixed Media Brooch by KimVanAntwerp on Jumprope.
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