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A new home for KVA Art Jewelry--and announcing a sale event on FB

A new home for KVA Art Jewelry--and announcing a sale event on FB

I hope that moving to this new website and blog provider will create a more seamless and fun experience for you.

The blog will continue to be a source for diy tutorials, announcements of shows and website updates, and the behind-the-scenes activity here in my studio. I’m excited to have this venue for sharing my creative life with you.

Expect updates every week or so, and subscribe, if you like, to get a notice when there is a new post. I’m still learning this platform, so I thank you in advance for your patience as I work on it in real time!

My recent video tutorial on painting Shrinkets with alcohol inks has been well-received, and I am working with my friends, Gail Crosman Moore and the inventor of Shrinket molds, Julie Haymaker, to develop a Facebook group for sharing inspiration and tips for making and using these delightful components. The Facebook group is “Shrinkets: shrink plastic beads and art”. We’ll be having an exhibition/sale on April 4 when Gail, Julie and I will be showing the results of our recent materials exchange challenge, and offering work for sale, both Shrinket beads and finished pieces.

What the heck are Shrinkets? My tutorial is below; they are classic shrink plastic, with a twist. Julie has invented silicone molds to shape them into bead caps and ruffled spacers. It’s SO much fun! You can see more, and tutorials too, on

Painting Shrinkets With Alcohol Inks by KimVanAntwerp on Jumprope.
Behind the Scenes:  making a sculptural brooch

Behind the Scenes: making a sculptural brooch