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Felt felt felt, balls balls balls new tutorial

I decided to take a break today and just do something for fun. ‘Beadweaving’ with felt balls is something I have experimented with and plan to do more of. Here’s a preview of the kind of thing I want to make. And how about the embellishment possibilities?!

It’s a simple right-angle weave beaded bead, done with 30 felt balls. I used 1cm balls and a 2cm ball fits inside perfectly. I’ve also made one with 2cm balls, inside of which a 3cm ball fit perfectly. Hm, I detect a pattern here…

I cannot deny I matched this project to my outfit.

I cannot deny I matched this project to my outfit.

There are a few kits for this in the kits and collections section. I only made up a few because there are so many potential color combos. If you want one and don’t see the colors you like, just click the envelope icon at the top of any page on the website to send me an email.

Process: Keum-boo 24K gold on silver

Process: Keum-boo 24K gold on silver

Baubles to Come!