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Baubles to Come!

The bauble kits were a hit!

In case you missed it, for the last few weeks I have been releasing brand new kits to make these beautiful baubles, fun for gifts, ornaments, home decor, etc.

It was fun but incredibly hectic, as I only had a small quantity of any given color of the felt balls upon which each design was based. I would start my design Monday, get the details worked out and package the materials, then put them up for sale on Friday, offering the option of pre-made Shrinkets.

As exciting as this was, with each design selling out within hours, I felt bad that people were disappointed to miss out, and trying to keep up with inventory/Shrinkets/no Shrinkets was just bananas!

I have ironed out the inventory question (I hope), and gathered up every 4cm felt ball I can get my hands on. I divided the various colors into families and am basing my designs on a theme for each family. There will be Hygge/Cozy Cabin, Old World, Atomic, and Classic Cheer. Plus I’m sure I won’t be able to resist a SNOWBALL!

Like the first batches, they will include things like vintage beads, fancy crystals, glitter felt, and handpainted silk ribbon. Of course there will be Shrinkets!

Basic elements of the kit will be the same for each family; you will choose your ball color within that family.

Sound good? I hope so— Now, I’ve got some samples to work on!

{Look for a Sample Sale before the end of the year!}

Felt felt felt, balls balls balls new tutorial

Color + texture + luxury. It must be velvet!

Color + texture + luxury. It must be velvet!