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New art supplies now, fresh kits on Saturday, June 20!

New art supplies now, fresh kits on Saturday, June 20!

I’m excited to announce the expansion of the art supply side of my website. I’ve heard from so many people how they have rediscovered the joy of creation, so I’m bringing some of my favorite materials to the website. A lot of it is things I make myself, like skirted felt balls and painted ribbons, and some are just things that may be hard to find, including one of a kind antiques I find in my travels. Raise your crafty game with beautiful and unique supplies like double-faced velvet ribbon (!!!), antique keys that are great for mixed media jewelry or journalling, and more.

On Saturday, June 20, a new collection of Shrinkets kits will be available, in conjunction with the Shrinkets Saturday Trunk Show Facebook group. But you don’t have to belong to FB or join the group!

Just know that all the kits will be ready to go here on the website at 9am Pacific time.

See you then!

Video:  reworking ink-painted ribbon

Video: reworking ink-painted ribbon

Women who elevate Craft to Art

Women who elevate Craft to Art